I research how hierarchies impact psychological wellbeing and health. I’m particularly interested in how people that are objectively discriminated against cope with the knowledge that discrimination is prevelent. Lately, I have been thinking a great deal about how we live in a gendered system and how this system impacts our subjective wellbeing. This work has grown to include both women and men, as well as gender and sexual minorities.

After living in the Middle East for four years, I maintain a close collaboration with a group at New York University, Abu Dhabi, in the United Arab Emirates. Together with Jaime Napier and our labmates (Maria Laura Bettinsoli and PJ Henry), we have been working to better understand how historically disadvantaged groups cope with inequality.

I see great potential for social scientists to defend the civil and human rights of those among us who cannot do so because of historical disadvantages. While I am a classically-trained social psychologist, I hold a strong interest in ethics and social justice. This has led me down several novel and exciting paths that all serve my goal of doing impactful work. Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions about my research. I’m always happy to chat!

You can reach me on ResearchGate or find my Google Scholar profile or email me at [my last name] @gmail.com